As we are all aware, the worst kind of disaster has struck mankind and our fellow Indians are greatly affected. We at the TLCA are deeply shocked to hear of this enormous tragedy, and would like to express our sincerest condolences to the victims of nature's fury.

At this time of great need, TLCA would like to make an urgent plea for help to the needy people in Andhra Pradesh. To expedite this process, TLCA will collect your checks and make sure they are sent to the appropriate organizations in India.

We realize that there are several charitable organizations collecting for Tsunami relief. Money collected by TLCA will be specifically earmarked for relief efforts in Andhra Pradesh coastal areas affected by the Tsunami. The funds will be sent to the Eenadu fund to be distributed through the Ramakrishna Mission.

Please make your checks out to TLCA, with a notation "Tsunami Fund" at the bottom, and mail them to Mrs. Hyma Reddy, Treasurer, Telugu Literary and Cultural Association, 18 Old Searingtwon Rd, Searingtown, NY 11507